There are essentially two different ways that people enter the program. One is through employer-sponsored programs. Ninety per cent of organizations in the United States with more than 1,000 employees offer their employees a formal wellness and disease management program. The reason for that is there is a great return on investment in terms of improvements in direct and indirect health care expenditures.
In Canada it's a little bit more of a challenge. Employers only benefit from the indirect health care expenditures, and by that I mean from absenteeism, presenteeism, and improved productivity. The actual cost of direct health care is borne by the government in Canada versus by the employer in the United States.
That being said, a lot of research has been done. A gentleman by the name of Chapman published in the 2012 American Journal of Health Promotion 62 workplace wellness studies, in which he showed a return on investment of 5.5:1, just on the productivity. Productivity is very important to employers. Obviously the Canadian governments, both federal and provincial, could be seeing themselves as, if you will, giant corporations that in their own right would benefit from both the direct health care expenditure—because the government foots the bill for hospital visits, emergency visits, etc.—as well as improved productivity.
Also the other channel, if you will, by which INTERxVENT is offered to patients is through physicians. Again in the United States under Obamacare, recent changes have allowed for the offering of wellness and disease management programs with in-office coaching by nurses.
The easiest way I explain this to patients who consider going on this program is, Weight Watchers. There's nothing magical about Weight Watchers other than that behaviour change is difficult. You need support. You pop into your Weight Watchers or you go online. You speak to your coach to keep yourself motivated. It's much the same with Alcoholics Anonymous.
In any lifestyle behaviour change where you have to change your diet, increase your exercise, drop or reduce your weight, it's very important to have that support that a coach brings. These are formalized programs that are offered very recently in the United States. Some studies have been done. They're very positive in terms of extending that health coaching to telephone-based coaching.
INTERxVENT's programs are scalable because the telephone-based coaching is delivered out of call centres. We offer employee programs, for instance to Sykes, which is a private company, for their own employees. They do Telehealth Ontario.
As a family physician, when we work with THAS, the telehealth advisory service, they take inbound calls. In my view, they have an unused capacity to place outbound calls to encourage people to lose weight, increase exercise, have their blood done, have their physicals done, improve their cholesterol, glucose, etc.—