Next generation sequencing certainly has a variety of applications that are fairly exciting right now. They're right on the cusp of research and clinical. One is the type of thing I've already spoken about, which is for both research and diagnostics into rare disease. There's no question it works there.
The other where I'm a little less personally experienced but it has probably been the biggest success story to date is in cancer. Again, if we realize that all cancer is a genetic disease in the sense that it's a mutation in the gene in that cell that causes the disease, by doing next generation sequencing on tumours, you can identify the genetic changes that are unique to that tumour, and target therapy. That's not my area of expertise, but that's currently in clinical translation.
I suppose the next step is will every patient, will every Canadian, have their genome sequenced at some point, and at what stage in the life cycle? I'm not sure. As a geneticist, I'm not pushing for that yet, but that could come.
I think where we would ask for thought nationally.... It may not become a funding issue eventually. These are still expensive technologies now. There's going to be investment in infrastructures required. The cost will come down, but I think there needs to be guidelines in place for how to implement this technology. We talked already about genetic insurability and discrimination. This can only get worse. You could potentially imagine that if everyone has their genome sequenced, we're all going to be found to carry something. Eventually, the insurance companies will need to realize that. All their clients carry something, but there may be a window or time when things get worse, not better. I think this speaks to that need again.
This is outside the purview of high tech, I suppose, but I would also put in a plea for education. We're going to require a whole new generation of young Canadians who are savvy in computers, bioinformatics, genetics, genetic testing. That's going to require an investment as well.