I also feel that I perhaps am not qualified to answer that question. I'm not one who's worked with a lot of groups in implementing devices.
Diagnostic tests are a slightly different matter. I'm actually not aware of Health Canada's jurisdiction in that area, but I think we would certainly make the plea, when it comes to diagnostic tests, that these are medical devices.
I make the point that “recreationally”, if I can use that word, you can get some of your genetics tested if you swab your cheek or spit into a saliva kit and send it to some companies in the U.S. They will ostensibly give you medical information back, which is worrisome to us. They've repurposed those as being basically recreational results in letting you know what your eye colour is and whether you can curl your tongue and such, but also buried in there is actionable medical information which I think should be administered through the appropriate channels.
It's those types of things. I think medical diagnostic tests should always be recognized as what they are.