Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I want to thank both our witnesses for being here today.
I appreciate that it could probably be fairly frustrating when you take a look at the scope and magnitude of the work that needs to be done in rare diseases and neurological disorders.
I want to get back to some questions with regard to Orphanet. I have a bit of an understanding now that Orphanet is a repository of information where people, and I don't want to say they dump information into this portal, but it comes in internationally as well as nationally. You said you are the curator for the national information that comes in, or for the national repository. Do you partner with other organizations, like CIHI, or other people who are gathering information, to figure out how you can coordinate what you're doing? I know you said that your aim is to help improve the diagnosis and care and treatment of patients with rare diseases. Other than gathering the information, how do you do that?