Those are excellent questions.
I think personalized medicine means different things to different people. I don't think we can attach a cost to it, per se, although the proponents of it would say that in the end it's surely more cost-efficient.
It's the recognition that if you take even a common disease, like breast cancer, or anything for example, for years the way we had to do it was to develop a clinical trial. We would try a drug on 3,000 women with breast cancer. Some would respond to the drug. For some there might be deadly side effects to the drug. Many people might have been cured by that drug, but because a certain percentage had a bad side effect, the drug was not viewed to be safe.
Is there a way to recognize which of the people are going to respond to that drug because either their genetic code is different or their tumour is different, and which people are going to have a bad side effect to the drug because they have a genetic enzyme or something that doesn't break that drug down?
This is the sort of thinking, that any disease is not one disease, or a disease occurs in the context of a person. You can build other things into personalized medicine—their society, their home, whatever you want it to mean—but it's a recognition that disease is not one big uniform category, but often a subset of diseases, and every patient has to be viewed differently.
It's a change of thinking, so there will be costs to implementing it. Surely a lot of people will think in the end that costs will be saved because we'll be putting people on the right medication and on the right regime at the beginning and not at the end.
This is happening a little bit right now. For common blood thinners prescribed in the hospital, like warfarin, which people often have to take after a blood clot, it's recognized that people break this down in different ways based on their genetics. You can prescribe the drug differently right from the get-go based on some simple genetic factors. So there are some early examples, but we have a long way to go before this is really ensconced in care.