Thank you for knowing I'm a Mr. and not a doctor.
I think that's entirely correct. We've got a system where academic research drives stuff out without a lot of recognition of what the industry would like to see brought forward. If we could work more closely together at an earlier stage, that would be helpful. When you look at some of the programs that the government is supporting, they also are set up so that if you look at the CIHR, NSERC, and NRC, as my colleague noted before, there's a tie there that binds them somewhat in terms of working quite closely with academics. We would advocate that they work a little more closely with the industry. We could then develop ideas and identify the opportunities out there that the industry is seeing. A lot of my members are global in nature and are working quite closely with the smaller companies that Mr. Carrie referred to as well. There is an ecosystem whereby the larger companies are working quite closely with the small companies in this country.
To complete that circle would be to bring it all together at the academic or bench level, if you will, so that we take something out of the university structure and bring it to the commercialization phase as a collective, rather than just pushing it out there, like putting a baby on the doorstep and hoping somebody comes by and picks it up.