Thank you. You have hit a number of really critical points, and points where I think we can collectively do something together.
It is fragmented. A hospital like UHN, which is actually four hospitals, and Dr. Fernie talked about one of them, is a living laboratory where innovations are happening, but we don't have the systematic way of making sure every hospital in Canada knows about them as we produce evidence that this is a better way to do something.
In Ontario they created the ARTIC program, which was $7 million. Each hospital puts in what they think are the three most innovative ways of changing health care delivery—a competitive process. Each year one or two are chosen for funding, to take it from “there's good evidence” to “how to roll it out”, in this case across the 25 academic hospitals in Ontario and then beyond. That happens only in the jurisdiction where the funding occurs. That could become a national program. That's where the federal government could have a huge impact by having an innovation fund that would allow discoveries like those to be judged and found worthy to be rolled out.