In the academic hospital sector, that's what ACAHO does. All of the research hospitals in Canada are part of the ACAHO, and on a regular basis ACAHO collects information on such innovations. It would be one of the best ways of exchanging knowledge in that area. But the incentive to do so still remains quite small. The reason why I think just having the list would be important is people would see what's on that list and they would ask “Why aren't we doing this everywhere?” That would be one of the reasons why funding could be found to do it.
In many cases, those innovations are going to save money for the system, if only they could be shown to be effective, and we'll roll them out. We're pretty close to being able to do this. And on the part of the hospitals there is certainly a huge desire to be able to take what looks like the right thing to do and prove it's the right thing to do, provide the evidence, and then learn how to roll it out.