Thank you very much.
I'll start with a brief background. I did my MD at the University of Alberta, my Ph.D. at Queen's, and my post-doctoral fellowship, sponsored by CIHR or the MRC, at the Karolinska Institute. I've served as the dean of the faculty of medicine as well as the chair of medical microbiology. I've established three biotech companies and believe very much in the commercialization and translation of research.
Canada receives an A grade in excellent support of educational institutions and research universities. This net result is a really excellent grade for research. However, in innovation, Canada receives a D and is far down the line. Why do we fail to transform our excellent research into innovation and companies? We would expect more based on our research record. Innovation is critical to our international competitiveness and our social and economic well-being and, in the long term, is critically important.
Let me just say that the number one problem is maintaining our discovery research. I think there is a lot of concern out there among basic scientists in Canada that as we move towards commercialization it is taking away from one side and putting to the other. Basic research is really what generates the ideas that transform the health care system. Let me just say that we do 1% of the peptic ulcer disease because a scientist discovered that ulcers were caused by a bacterium and treated with antibiotics rather than surgery. That's an example of how basic discoveries can really transform health care systems.
When I first started practising in infectious diseases, those with AIDS had a life expectancy of about 18 months. Today, they have normal life expectancy. The critical discovery was the structure of the viral enzymes and the production of antiviral agents, which have transformed this disease. There are many such examples, so please do not cut back on our discovery research. We cannot simply trade them off. Not all research should be translated and commercialized. Many of our basic researchers are not trained in that area and should not be forced into that area, but they will continue to make critical discoveries that help build the knowledge base for translation.
We live next door to one of the most innovative countries in the world, and we need to learn some lessons from them. We recruited a Canada excellence research chair, Michael Houghton. When he came to the University of Alberta, he said that he couldn't understand why there wasn't more biotech in the city based on the research that was being done at the University of Alberta. After being here for three years, he said that he had come to understand why there is such a weak biotech industry in the province and in the country.
First, we need to change the culture. In the culture in academic centres and communities they really think about their discovery research. If they get into translation research or commercialization, they're still viewed in many Canadian institutions as second class if they do that.
In the United States, academics often think about discovery, translation, and commercialization all in the same frame, but in Canada, we often think in the academic centres of the commercialization as being a bit tainted. Even our educational systems and evaluation often recognize basic research or discovery research more than they recognize somebody who might have filed patents. A good publication is better than a patent in the academic centres, really.
With patenting costs, you want to see more commercialization. But let me tell you that the people who make the discoveries and the universities they are in have no money to patent. They can put out the initial patent for $8,000 to $10,000, but after that, 12 to 18 months later, they have to come up with between $50,000 and $80,000 to get an international patent. If you don't have the international coverage, you cannot partner with industry. You won't have venture capital or any other money coming in to support it. You have to get international patents.
We also deal with the valley of death between the discovery until you get a product to the level where somebody will come in and help support it. In the United States, they've had the SBIR grants, which have helped many people get across that. There has been a 47% success rate of the SBIR grants at phase 2, the ones that actually go out and produce products and have sales. In Canada, we simply don't have that type of assistance across that period of time. I think we need to see some kind of money equivalent to that, to help us go across.
The Canada excellence research commercialization program has helped recently. It is in a few centres and they have made excellent progress.
There is a lack of angel funding, and venture capital is really vulture capital in many ways. You've got to be very careful with it, and it's very hard to get in Canada compared to in the U.S. Many companies move to the U.S. from Canada because of the SBIR grants or because venture capital or the money to come in and support it is easier to get,
We need to continue to see the emphasis on the pillar 3 and 4 research. We shouldn't think only of commercialization of our research but also of how health outcomes have been changed by a lot of our research as we expanded the mandate of CIHR. There's been some excellent examples of that.
The results of a heart attack used to be a 25% mortality rate; someone with an acute MI would die. But today, it's down to about 5% to 6% during the acute phase. This is related to better ways of using treatment, including the ability to transmit an EKG through a cellphone, to interpret the EKG, and have the ambulance attendants, with the help of a cardiologist, make the decision and give therapy immediately at the site. It often changes the outcome quite dramatically, and you see people who have much better outcomes.
There are many examples where our Canadian health outcomes research has dramatically changed health care in Canada, and we need to see that continue to expand.
Let me say a few, very positive things about what Canada has done. Why we compete so well internationally is that the CFI grants have given us equipment and equipped our labs. Without the CFI grants, that wouldn't have happened.
The MRC and CIHR have broadened the mandate, which I think is very good. Then there are the CERCs, the Canada excellence research chairs. We had a day in Edmonton this last week where 18 of them came in and gave talks on their work, which is really transforming those centres that have CER chairs. Certainly, it has transformed ours, with Michael Houghton’s joining the Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology—that has been a major change. Centres for research excellence and Genome Canada have been tremendous.
But if you're thinking of commercialization, you have to help in the patenting, and in funding across that valley of death, to get them to a point where they can bring in the partners or venture capital, because most stop there.
In the last week, I've had three different people at different universities call me about their excellent work that can't be patented. They did the first patent. The universities can't afford to help them with the second patent. They asked if they could bring it to the Li Ka Shing Institute, if we would look after it, and they'll work out a partnership to do this. It's just an indication of how little money there is in universities to help these people get to the point of commercialization and translation.
Thank you.