So it's not how much the public pays, but rather how much the drug company pays to basically bring that drug onto the market. Because of the regulatory framework, because of the fears of the drug companies and, to some extent, because of the way that drugs are chosen to go to market, there are some difficulties. For example, people my age are taking 10 milligrams of Lipitor every day. The drug companies love people like me because I take 10 milligrams of Lipitor every day.
So there are those drugs that have payback. There are other drugs that don't, and I think there's a distraction that can come from this because, thank goodness, my cholesterol is being controlled by Lipitor every day. But as I mentioned, there are other therapies, and maybe our pumpkin seed therapy, compared with the cost of Lipitor and so on, is better.
I think the costs of developing drugs will continue to be high because of the regulatory framework and, certainly, I agree that duplicating the efforts of the FDA to approve things just puts a barrier in the way of progress.
But I'd come back to what I said before. You're doing this balance between the cost of drugs, which is continuously going to be high because of that regulatory framework, and the cost of hospital treatments and various other medical treatments. We're basically playing a sort of red queen game, where you have to run as fast as you can to stay in the same place. Those are the problems that we're facing. That's why I think that preventative medicine may be a way to go, so that we can eliminate the need for some of these drugs.