That's an important point. I think it was Dr. Friesen's point as well. You have to have that entrepreneurial spirit well developed by the time you walk into your medical practice. Really, all medical doctors are entrepreneurs to one degree or another. If Dr. Friesen's model comes in, we'll be a lot more entrepreneurial and competitive.
That sort of thing has to be learned, and either you do it well or you do it poorly. If you don't know how to do it, it will be a disaster. There are so many examples of doctors investing in housing, apartments, or other things they know nothing about. They have extra cash and they throw it away. Still, if we focus on the medical school training, incorporating the idea of a natural health product not being the poorer cousin to a pharmaceutical one, I think we have an opportunity, a venue, by which people can take things to the market.
The reason I worked so hard clinically was that I had to. Basically, I had to keep paying the bills at home. I couldn't tell Mrs. Hudson I was going to take a year or two off to do this. It was more out of necessity than anything else. But I really enjoyed the clinical practice and I enjoy the entrepreneurial stuff as well.