Thank you, because not only did they not bring in the regulations with regard to tamper-proof, but they also allowed six new companies to start putting forward this very, very important drug that can be tampered with and used as a street drug.
Anyway, I wanted to ask something else. You talked a lot about Suboxone. I know the value of it and I appreciate your answers with regard to individual patient clinical information that might define what they go on, whether it's methadone or something else. Do you have any comment on the recent work that has been done in British Columbia by UBC researchers with regard to the use of hydromorphone and other morphine-related drugs being used with heroin? These are going to be drugs that have to be prescribed. What is your comment on that?
We know that in Europe, for instance, HAT, heroin assisted therapy, programs are going on in most countries with regard to that kind of substitution therapy for people who use street drugs and who need to have a prescription drug to help them get off street drugs. If we don't initiate that, what we're doing is forcing people who have had very good help under some of these programs to go back to street drugs.
Do you have a comment on that?