The impacts of colonization through reserve systems, loss of income, a change of economy, residential schools, and the child welfare system have perpetuated over generations. It has left significant mental health issues amongst first nations people.
Now you have generations of whole communities that don't understand the impacts of the Indian Act, they don't understand the creation of reserve systems, and they don't understand residential schools. With the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, first nations people are just now talking about their experiences in residential school systems. We've had four generations of people and families, whole communities, who have never talked about their residential school experience, whether it's physical abuse, sexual abuse, loss of family, loss of their language, loss of connection to their culture. So they are marginalized in mainstream society and they are also marginalized in their own community.
They don't have an understanding of the context, so they take on and they internalize that oppression and have a negative perception of themselves as first nations people. They believe that the issues they are facing are simply because they're native.
There is nothing in our education system that talks about colonization, until perhaps you're lucky enough to go to post-secondary education and you're in a first-nation-specific program. It's the first time you're learning about colonization or residential schools or the scoop of the 1960s. In programs, whether they are on reserve or they have been primarily through the national native alcohol and drug abuse program, that context is given. But it's given also with the teachings from first nations culture so that our own truth, which is connected to our stories of creation that talk about the strength of who we are as a people, is used to replace the negative images.
It's a transition of belief about self from this negative image, so that you have some context to our evidence that is held within our creation stories that says the Creator made us to be these whole, healthy people. So I can now replace one image for another and have a sense of hope that I can create a different future for myself, that I don't have to be all of the issues that you might see in a community.