There's a huge street market for OxyContin and other opiates and benzodiazepines, and it comes from everywhere. It comes from over the border. You'd have to ask the RCMP, but it's out there. It's manufactured. We have pharmacy break-ins in British Columbia all the time. We have doctors who are over-prescribing.
You also need to remember that once someone becomes addicted, they need some kind of opiate. So when OxyContin or street OxyContin and now fentanyl become too expensive, they will turn to heroin. So our young people in this age group are now finding they can't afford the $500 to 600 a day to maintain their Oxy habit, and they will turn to heroin because it's more potent and cheaper. Then they inject—you get HIV, hepatitis C, and I see that now regularly in my practice. My colleague has a patient who's 16 years old, and I have several who are 18 or 19.