That's an excellent question.
Purdue conducted focus groups with family doctors throughout the United States, and they found that the concern about addiction was a major barrier, so they tailored their advertisement and marketing towards that. They said controlled-release opiates are not as addicting as immediate-release. This was based on, I would say, a misinterpretation of the studies. Controlled-release opiates are, in fact, way more addicting than immediate-release opiates when they are contained in extremely high doses.
They also said—they made this false distinction between pain patients and addicted patients—that pain patients don't get addicted. In other words, it's all the problem of these dishonest addicts who flock to the doctors and lie to them to get the prescriptions. That's completely false. The patients who get addicted are patients who have legitimate pain problems and who are exposed to it.
You made a very good point. It was amazing how the medical profession rolled over. They rolled over like teenage boys confronted with smoking-cigarette ads. Medical researchers, educators, and everyone else was lecturing family doctors and saying, “you're opiophobic if you're concerned about prescribing controlled-release opiates”.
There was no critical thinking, or there was a very major absence of critical thinking, and in fact, people who were speaking out at public meetings and in writing were criticized by those who said, “You don't want to treat pain. You lack compassion.”
So I think it is going to be one of the most tragic and scandalous episodes in medical history, that we as a profession were taken in by this kind of marketing campaign.