Thank you to the witnesses for being here today.
I will carry on with the topic that my colleague, Mr. Morin, was speaking to with regard to the uses.
In my previous life as a police officer and qualified as an expert with regard to marijuana through the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I'm curious about a couple of things.
I do school talks all the time. I did one last week in my riding. With regard to the use by kids, kids come up with some pretty interesting answers to why they would use marijuana, but they can't come up with any answers as to why they shouldn't use it because of all the myths that come with it: marijuana cures cancer, or if they smoke it once, it's okay because their mom says it's okay.
There are a couple of things that I want to ask Dr. Smith with regard to the frontal lobe of the brain and how marijuana attacks that frontal portion. Are brain cells destroyed? If they are, do they recover, or is there a potential that some of them never recover?