I didn't see the article and I don't know how it operates, but the idea that one would simply use one's coinage for marijuana is completely out of the medical sphere, as well as I can tell. That sounds like legalized access to marijuana.
The biggest part of the issue we have around all of what's happened here is the medicalization of this. What you've heard a lot of, I believe, is the lack of evidence, the scanty evidence, the suppositions, the thinking that we'll get this and possibly this. How will our members know when it's going to be an effective drug and where it would be effective?
We spoke about risks, but we need to balance those with benefits. A physician doesn't prescribe a drug or any treatment without some understanding that there may be some benefit from it. Ideally that benefit-to-risk ratio is going to be overwhelmingly in favour of a benefit. With marijuana, we're asking where it might have a benefit, and that is where the evidence is lacking.
The idea that you simply get your drug from a vending machine and you don't have an established relationship is the same as going to get your OxyContin from a vending machine without having an ongoing relationship with a physician who is going to help you monitor whatever the condition is that you're getting drugs for.