As you say, through the MMPR there are ratings now of THC and CBD on cannabis strains. For years, we didn't have access to that. What patients have been doing for years and frankly for generations is they've been using self-titration, which is basically starting at a low dose and working up until they find a therapeutic window that's effective for them. It gives them therapeutic relief without feeling a level of discomfort.
The nice thing is, compared to even aspirin and certainly more potentially dangerous pharmaceutical drugs like opiates, there's a very low risk of people coming into problematic use. For example, you can't die from using too much cannabis. There's no way to overdose. The actual risk of people self-titrating is very minimal in terms of personal risk. Once people figure out the right dose for themselves, it tends to be very consistent as they work across different conditions.
Do you have anything to add to that, Dr. Walsh?