Dr. Jutras-Aswad, you talked about the medical use. This study is not about medical marijuana, per se, but the other factors in marijuana. Because of this perception that marijuana is harmless and well tolerated, it hasn't adequately been studied in terms of the full range of compounds in marijuana and the impacts they have. I think you made that remark to Dr. Bennett about an unknown quantity there, the mixtures, the numbers, the potency of marijuana.
To go back to the Le Dain commission, I guess it was, the potencies way back in that era 20 years ago were 1%, maybe 2%. Currently, they’re at 10% to 15%, and some are as high as.... Where I'm from on Vancouver Island, we have Lasqueti Gold out there. Somebody referred to the widespread production of marijuana in British Columbia. Some of that is very high potency, even up to 30%. At least we've heard evidence that it can be as high as 30% in some productions. We're talking about something that has a hugely different impact from what earlier generations experienced.
Can you comment on that aspect, of the range?