If I may, I'm sure this isn't only my experience; I have talked to members of Parliament on all sides of the House who have also had constituents who have gone to the U.S. for treatment. Some very prominent doctors have become noted for their expertise in both diagnosing and treating Lyme.
It is even the case that some Canadian doctors who recognize what they have in front of them and want to treat Lyme with a course of antibiotics...and sometimes it's more than one course. Treating Lyme disease requires an expertise that unfortunately many of our constituents are finding only south of the border. That of course means that only those of significant means, or those on modest means who are prepared to sacrifice a tremendous amount, go to the U.S. for treatment.
We have a wonderful health care system in Canada, and I'm hoping that with the collaboration we're seeing around this table, the medical community, working with Health Canada and the provincial departments of health and the provincial medical officers, will be able to share the information to increase the level of awareness among doctors and also increase their willingness to use what have been found to be effective treatments in other jurisdictions.