We hear that from doctors and from people from coast to coast, that IGeneX can't be trusted; they're offering positive results just for a fee; they're a for-profit lab; therefore, they're not to be trusted.
I don't think Canadians in general understand the testing process currently in practice in Canada. Our Canadian labs don't develop their own ELISA test and Western blots. They buy pre-manufactured kits. These pre-manufactured kits are from corporations who are for-profit corporations in the United States and in Europe.
Now, we approached one of those corporations in writing and asked them specifically why their test only incorporates Borrelia burgdorferi strain B31 as the foundation of the test. Why aren't they incorporating more strains to reflect what's out there in nature? They told us in writing that they are dictated to by the United States Centers for Disease Control as to what they can include in their testing in order to be licensed to sell to governments.