Sure, I'd be happy to.
I've made transparency in our regulatory decisions a priority at Health Canada. Quite a bit of work has already been undertaken in our transparency framework that we launched a few months ago. I'm proud we're moving in that direction, but as I said, I'm open to amendments. On regulatory transparency, in particular, I think that properly written amendments to Vanessa's law to require public disclosure of safety decisions would provide clarity to Canadians on how and why Health Canada takes certain actions.
I know some drug safety experts have considered the importance of transparency for both negative and positive decisions made by drug regulators. The committee may also want to consider that element, should it have thoughts on how best to improve Health Canada's transparency for decision-making. Again, I think this is a good opportunity to put forward amendments in that respect and around clinical trials, obviously. I've commented on that. I think this bill already takes us in the right direction and puts us ahead of some jurisdictions, but I'd like us to work on a bill that puts us ahead of all jurisdictions when it comes to transparency of drug safety.
Again, I'm open to amendments, both on the clinical trials and on the transparency of regulatory decisions.