First of all, I would say that the clinical study reports would have to be made available. These are comprehensive documents. Sometimes they run into thousands of pages. Not everybody's going to read them, but people who do things like develop guidelines for practitioners, who do systematic reviews, will definitely read these and analyze them.
The other feature we need to make sure comes out, and this is not something that's particularly radical—GlaxoSmithKline has already made a commitment to do this—is that the full reports of all of the trials that have been undertaken will be released to qualified researchers. People will make applications to GlaxoSmithKline. The company is going to set up an independent committee to evaluate those requests to make sure they are legitimate, and if they are legitimate then GlaxoSmithKline will release all of the information. That's the raw data they collected in the conduct of the trials for their drugs.
I think we need two things. One is an unequivocal release of the clinical study reports without any formal requests. Secondly, the companies, on receipt of a valid request from researchers, will release all of the raw data for the clinical trials.