Thank you, Chair.
Thank you for the privilege of appearing before you today. l'm a legal scholar with expertise in intellectual property law. Given time constraints, l'm going to focus solely on the issue of transparency, which Bill C-17 does not address. l have two themes, each with a few specific points that l want to touch upon. I'll conclude by reading five key provisions that l think should be added to the bill.
My first theme is to make evidence and regulatory work transparent.
First, amend Bill C-17 to make registration of all clinical trials, from phase one to phase four, as well as other investigational studies and the reporting of all such study results, mandatory for all new drugs and new indications for existing drugs that are submitted for regulatory approval, whether those submissions are successful or not.
Second, empower the Minister of Health to disclose clinical study reports. Access to clinical study reports and the data they contain can be critical to understanding the quality of the evidence behind a given drug.
A study published just last week in the British Medical Journal comparing clinical study reports with published information regarding duloxetine, a commonly prescribed treatment for major depressive disorder in Canada, concluded, “Clinical study reports contained extensive data on major harms that were unavailable” from other sources.
The optimal procedures for sharing clinical study reports are the subject of live debate. For that reason, defining the procedures by which clinical study reports should be made available by way of regulations is appropriate. But vesting the minister with the authority to make them available is critical.
Third, require the minister to publicly report all decisions, including product approvals, refusals, suspensions, and recalls, and the reasons behind those decisions. Patients, physicians, researchers, indeed drug manufacturers and other regulators would benefit from knowing how the regulator is interpreting the evidence. In time, this will improve the quality of the regulator's decision-making and Canadians' confidence in it.
Fourth, attach real penalties to non-compliance with transparency requirements. Despite clear penalties backed by the force of law, in the United States compliance has been less than adequate. According to one study, 78% of trials registered on failed to provide results within the statutory one-year timeframe.
I therefore suggest a modified enforcement strategy. As is done in the U.S., Bill C-17 should make failure to comply with registration and results reporting subject to monetary fines. However, Bill C-17 should also tie results reporting to market approval.
Bill C-17 already includes an amendment to the Food and Drugs Act that would require manufacturers to comply with any terms or conditions attached to the market approval. This power should not be used only on occasion. Rather, that new power should be used in every single drug approval where results reporting is, at the time of market authorization, still incomplete. Where the regulator rejects a drug or a new indication for an existing drug, and the results reporting requirement has not been fulfilled—it has to be within six months—manufacturers should incur an additional monetary fine.
The second theme is to make it absolutely clear that transparency trumps commercial claims.
Here's my first point. Subclause 6(6) of Bill C-17 proposes a modification to subsection 30(3) of the current Food and Drugs Act. The proposed change opens the door to limiting the powers contained in the act in order to implement trade agreement articles relating to intellectual property. This proposed amendment should be deleted from the bill. The federal government's responsibility to protect the welfare of Canadians should not be reduced by trade objectives.
On my second point, and this is my last point, claims by manufacturers that certain information is proprietary—that is, confidential business information or trade secrets—has long been the central barrier to transparency. However, consistent with its international obligations, Canada's food and drug regulations already protect data against unfair commercial use, providing eight years of data exclusivity to innovative drugs on top of any available patent protection. Nevertheless, it is received wisdom within Health Canada that information about drug safety and effectiveness cannot be disclosed. Consequently, Bill C-17 must make it plain that the regulator has the power to disclose that information.
People have given up their bodies and taken on serious, even life-threatening, risks to help generate that information. It is not for the companies to own in secret, and the regulator has to be free to disclose it.
To conclude, here are five provisions that should be added to Bill C-17, in light of the foregoing.
First, all clinical trials and other investigational studies involving a therapeutic product shall be registered on a publicly accessible, searchable database before participant recruitment begins, in accordance with the regulations. As well, the minister shall not issue a market authorization in respect of a therapeutic product unless any clinical trials and other investigational studies involving said therapeutic product were registered in accordance with this provision, whether or not those trials and other investigational studies were carried out in Canada.
Second, all clinical trials and other investigational studies involving a therapeutic product shall report the results thereof on a publicly accessible, searchable database within one year of the completion of the trial or study, in accordance with the regulations. As well, where the results of one or more completed trials or investigational studies associated with the therapeutic product have not been reported in accordance with this provision prior to market authorization, the minister shall require as a condition of market authorization that such results be reported in accordance with this provision within six months of the date of market authorization. Finally, in the event that a therapeutic product is not granted a market authorization by the minister, the manufacturer shall report the results of all clinical trials and investigational studies in accordance with this provision within six months of the date of the minister's decision not to grant market authorization.
Third, the minister may publicly disclose clinical study reports in accordance with the regulations.
Fourth, the minister shall disclose in a publicly accessible, searchable database, information about therapeutic product authorizations, including any terms or conditions associated with a therapeutic product authorization, indication changes, refusals, suspensions, and recalls, and the reasons for each such decision.
Fifth, the minister, in fulfilling the foregoing provisions, shall publicly disclose information regarding the safety and effectiveness of a therapeutic product, including adverse drug reactions, which it receives from manufacturers, health-care institutions, and other persons. As well, information referred to in this provision shall not be used by a manufacturer for unfair commercial purposes as described by the regulations.
Those are the provisions I suggest are essential to add in their entirety to the bill for it to achieve its full promise.
Thank you.