There are a variety of things.
I would also—very succinctly, Ms. Adams—point you to the work of your colleagues in the Senate. The Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology is lead by your esteemed colleague Dr. Kelvin Ogilvie, whom I know many of you hold in high regard. Its first report lays out the framework for improving the transparency, uptake, knowledge,and informed consent around clinical trials, and how Canada can have a very ethical and rigorous approach to that. The key elements are rigorous safety, a key line of scientific inquiry, and ensuring that we share those results globally, including adverse events that happen in those clinical trials. These things happen on a global stage, and Canada is one player in that regard.
That's as succinct as I can be, and I would direct the members of this committee to Senator Ogilvie's work in his committee—the phase one report. I've brought copies with me. It clearly spells out how we can improve and strengthen and enhance the safety of Canada's clinical trials regime.