Maybe I'll answer the first question a little bit more substantively.
The intuitive assumption is that yes, this product may assist with smoking cessation as have other nicotine replacement therapies that are out there. But the fact is that this is a novel route of administration. The nicotine replacement therapies that are now marketed have provided evidence that they do have a positive impact and an understandable safety profile. They deliver the nicotine through a different route, through the skin or the oral mucosa. The rate of rise in nicotine in those products is slow and predictable. When these products were marketed they came in with clinical studies around blood levels and the addiction potential of the product, as well as efficacy of treating smoking cessation.
This is a new product. It is actually delivering the nicotine into the lungs. What the e-cigarette does is generate a vapour that has very, very tiny droplets that allow the nicotine to get into the pulmonary tissue. Some studies that have been done show that you have a much more rapid absorption of the nicotine, so you have much more of a cigarette-like effect of nicotine coming into your bloodstream and distributing it very quickly. It more mirrors not only the craving but the reward that you get from a cigarette.
The other thing is that we don't know the addictive potential of this. The concern is that intuitively it may play a role but actually it may be as addictive as, if not more addictive than, cigarettes. Before we run off and plan a regulatory framework we need to look at what the science is telling us and not introduce risks we don't understand.