I'll take the question. I'll start with the issue of the potential use of illegal substances in these cigarettes. Yes, we're aware of that as well. I think all I would say is that if illegal substances are used in an electronic cigarette, they remain illegal substances. If we're thinking of substances that are regulated under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, law enforcement has the authority they need to act.
In terms of a product coming into the country, as Peter said, the dilemma that any regulator has is, you have a limited number of inspectors, you have a limited number of dollars, and you have a universe that you have to regulate with that limited number of inspectors and resources.
In the world that Health Canada regulates, electronic cigarettes certainly—the nicotine and the flavours—are part of that, but so are prescription drugs, so are medical devices, and so are various other things that Peter mentioned. So when you're doing your risk-based approach, you're kind of balancing off the risk to the public from a bad prescription drug that's produced in a dirty facility and the harm that may cause hypothetically versus the hypothetical health effect of undeclared nicotine, or even more difficult to quantify, the potential to induce a young person to end up with a nicotine addiction. That is our struggle, to be perfectly honest. As the science develops, it will allow us to be more precise in how we make those risk trade-offs, because the product itself will be better characterized, and we will be better able to quantify the risk trade-offs that we face every day.