Thank you very much, Chairperson. Thank you to the officials for coming today.
This of course is our first meeting of looking at this issue, so it's interesting to get an overview of what's going on. I have to say that I've been following this story, particularly in the media, because there have been quite a few news stories about the issue, particularly over the last year but maybe even before that. You're correct that there is sort of a debate going on between organizations, or health care professionals and scientists, who seem to be taking the approach that we should be really cracking down on e-cigarettes. Then there are others taking an approach that they could be seen as a smoking cessation tool, sort of a harm reduction tool. There is obviously debate out there.
You say that basically going back as far as 2008, so say about six years, this has been emerging. I'm a bit surprised that Health Canada hasn't taken a more proactive approach. You talk about the studies and that they sort of go on both sides. You say on page 3 that other studies have shown that e-cigarettes may prevent a quit attempt by smokers by allowing them to satisfy their addiction in places where smoking is not permitted and then you also raise the issue of youth. It seems to me the obvious response is.... Of course, a regulatory approach would deal with that. It's not like it's an unknown or something that can't be dealt with.
I've got two questions. Has Health Canada actually considered banning e-cigarettes? If not, has Health Canada made any move to regulate them? If so, how far down the line are you? Or are you really just letting the status quo be the status quo and focusing on your enforcement, your non-compliance elements that you noted on page 6? I just feel like it's sort of a passive response that we're getting. But this has been around for six years, so I assume that Health Canada is going somewhere on this and it would be helpful to know where you're going on it and what you've done so far.