Could I comment on that?
I agree with Dr. Peruga that none of us would want our own children or anybody else's children to be using nicotine as primary users, as new users, but I don't know what the prevalence of smoking in young people is in Canada. In my country, by the time people reach the age of 24, 40% have been smokers and about 25% are regular smokers. So kids from disadvantaged backgrounds, where cigarettes are lying around in the home as they grow up, are already being exposed to high quantities of nicotine at very important stages of brain development. The more that we can substitute clean nicotine products for the dirty stream of nicotine delivery—which is tobacco—the better.
Whilst I entirely agree that limiting access to young people is probably a good thing, particularly if we have young people who are otherwise going to smoke, it would make far more sense to have them use an electronic cigarette.