Thank you very much.
Thank you to all the officials who have appeared today. We do need to make sure that we have heard all the evidence and heard all the numbers. Now we actually have to put it in motion and do a few votes here. Without further ado, we are looking at the supplementary estimates (B) for 2014-15 and there are five questions I need to ask.
Shall votes 1b and 5b under Canadian Food Inspection Agency carry?
CANADIAN FOOD INSPECTION AGENCYVote 1b—Canadian Food Inspection Agency—Operating expenditures and contributions..........$21,605,828Vote 5b—Canadian Food Inspection Agency—Capital expenditures..........$630,703
(Votes 1b and 5b agreed to on division)
Shall vote 5b under Canadian Institutes of Health Research carry?
CANADIAN INSTITUTES OF HEALTH RESEARCHVote 5b—Canadian Institutes of Health Research—The grants listed in the Estimates..........$11,143,000
(Vote 5b agreed to on division)
Shall votes 1b, 5b and 10b under Health carry?
HEALTHVote 1b Health—Operating expenditures..........$23,956,508Vote 5b—Capital expenditures..........$1Vote 10b—Health—The grants listed in the Estimates and contributions..........34,987,989
(Votes 1b, 5b and 10b agreed to on division)
Shall votes 1b, 5b and 10b under Public Health Agency of Canada carry?
PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY OF CANADAVote 1b—Public Health Agency of Canada—Operating expenditures..........$1,624,812Vote 5b—Health Agency of Canada—Capital expenditures..........$1Vote 10b—Public Health Agency of Canada—The grants listed in the Estimates..........$1
(Votes 1b, 5b and 10b agreed to on division)