The people who actually try e-cigarettes have been found not to have gone on to anything further than just trying. Experimental usage is a proven thing that is normally done with any new product, so when you look at that, you have to look at it with a very clinical eye.
Does the actual experimentation translate to actual continual usage and then possibly to smoking? At this moment, we have seen through the statistics and surveys that this has not happened. It has not translated into continuous usage or the uptake of cigarettes by youth or by non-smokers. It's like trying a new drink. You will try it, but if you don't like it, you won't go for it. So far studies have shown that people who have tried e-cigarettes have not gone on to smoking. We have record low levels of youth not smoking anymore. They have not translated from that into smoking. I think that's really shown in terms of statistics right now.