Well, as I think I indicated in my opening remarks, there are a lot of good provisions—some really good, solid provisions—and obligations in the Pest Control Products Act for us to be transparent and open with Canadians. Not only do we have to consult with Canadians on the data and the science we've used to make our regulatory decisions for new chemicals, but also for older chemicals, when we're looking at them, what we're finding, and how that science influences our decisions.
We also have been really open with, for example, what we are currently looking at in PMRA. What pesticides are being proposed for use in Canada? We have a public registry where you can find that information and ask what PMRA is doing right now and what they are looking at. A lot of information is on there now in terms of us having a compliance and enforcement program. What are we finding? Are there violations of the Pest Control Products Act? What are we doing about those?
As I forgot to mention right at the outset, I think this committee has received a copy of our annual report. That alone is a full disclosure of all our activities through the year, including, for example, our incident reporting program, what we are seeing every year in terms of the nature of the pesticide incidents that are being reported to us. We're very transparent and open in terms of what they were and what some of the actions are that we're taking as a result of those incidents.