I appreciate that, but I want to come up with the most perfect system here. There will be others that come before us over time. Let us suspend disbelief for a moment and say that something comes before us, it meets the standard of the day, but of course with time, 20 years thereafter, it no longer meets the standard.
I say this as someone who sat on a corporate board and 40 years prior, long before I was ever born, someone had decided that they were going to use arsenic as a weed control mechanism. I was then faced, on a corporate board, with deciding how to go about remediating the lands, how to go about notifying the surrounding neighbours, how to actually invest and repair.
This is about creating wonderful public policy going forward. Let us say that decisions were made imperfectly at the time. What jurisdiction ought we look to for the clearest feedback mechanism so that we can improve over time?