I'm happy to do that. I just wanted to have it on the record that we believe there's not enough time for this review. I can move on and do that in a business meeting, as you put it. Frankly, I'd be happy to because I don't want to eat into my time for questions, so thank you.
With that, I'd like to turn to Mr. Bennett, if I could.
I'm a long-time member and supporter of the Sierra Club. I welcome you here. I'm a huge fan of your work.
I'm very troubled by the material you've brought to the committee today. It's consistent, frankly, with material I've heard from the Canadian Environmental Law Association. I guess I'd start with your concerns about transparency, which you've indicated today are serious.
As I read from your brief, you indicate that you are not able to know what science has been used or not used as the basis of a regulatory decision. The PMRA does an evaluation in secret and posts it for comment. Then you talk about lack of access to the key documents, which are the data evaluation reports.
I just want to understand, then, what the recommendation is that you would make specifically to amend the act.