Thank you. Good afternoon, Mr. Chair and members of the committee.
My name is Michel Perron and I'm the chief executive officer of the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, or CCSA as I'll refer to it in my remarks.
I'll extend my congratulations to you, Mr. Lobb, on your appointment as chair of the committee. Thank you for having us here.
I am joined today by Paula Robeson, one of CCSA's knowledge brokers and the lead on the prescription drug abuse file.
For those of you who are not so familiar with CCSA, we were created by Parliament to bring government, the not-for-profits, and the private sector into alignment on substance abuse issues. As a result, we have a federally legislated mandate to provide national leadership in reducing alcohol and other drug-related harms, and we have been doing so since our creation 25 years ago in 1988.
We are largely funded by Health Canada to perform the role of bringing together these entities. I think we have demonstrated our capacity to do so in areas such as alcohol treatment, youth drug prevention, and many of the issues that are important to you individually, to your ridings, and to this committee. It is therefore appropriate and relevant that CCSA initiated the process that brings many of us here today.
I want to tell you about the strategy titled First Do No Harm: Responding to Canada's Prescription Drug Crisis, which the centre launched last March in collaboration with many partners, including Health Canada. This strategy represents a unique approach in Canada to respond to the country's prescription drug crisis, which is an understandable source of concern for the government, as evidenced by the latest Speech from the Throne and this committee meeting.
Why develop a strategy? I know it has been circulated. I suspect the committee has heard some facts about the magnitude of the prescription drug crisis in Canada. Allow me to add to that, if I might.
Canada is now the world's second-largest per capita consumer of prescription opioids behind the United States. In Ontario alone, the deaths related to prescription opioids doubled from 1991 to 2004, and the mortality rate is now more than double that of HIV.
More recent data show that of the 2,300 drug-related deaths in Ontario between 2006 and 2008, 60% were opioid-related. The number of drug-related deaths goes as high as 74% in Nova Scotia. These are smaller numbers but nonetheless a very significant proportion.
Prescription drug use is a growing problem among young Canadians. A 2001 survey of Ontario students in grades 7 to 12 revealed that 14% reported the non-medical use of pain relievers. Among these, 72% said they got it from home and 6% got it from their friends. The abuse of prescription drugs by young Ontario students ranks third behind binge drinking and cannabis use.
It's clear that prescription drug abuse touches us all and requires a comprehensive pan-Canadian approach to deal with the issue.
“First Do No Harm”, the strategy we will refer to today, was launched in March 2013 by the CCSA, along with then Minister of Health Leona Aglukkaq and over 20 partners who were participating in the development of this strategy. This 10-year pan-Canadian strategy lays out 58 recommendations to address the devastating harm associated with prescription opioids, stimulants, and sedatives, in the interest of improving the health and safety of Canadian communities across the country.
This strategy is the result of over a year of work by the National Advisory Council on Prescription Drug Misuse, which included health professionals, patients, families, members of first nations, law enforcement representatives, regulatory bodies, the pharmaceutical industry and researchers. The council was co-chaired by Alberta's Coalition on Prescription Drug Misuse.
whom I know you will be meeting with in the weeks to come.
Also involved were the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness and the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse.
The federal government was represented throughout that process by a number of departments, namely Health Canada, Public Safety Canada, the Department of National Defence, and Justice Canada.
CCSA brought together those with a clear stake in the problem to help develop the solution. It was apparent to all of us when we initiated this process a year and a bit ago that the status quo could not carry on and that we needed to find a new path forward.
Following the first meeting we convened, all stakeholders called upon CCSA to take the lead in developing the strategy, as we have in other areas.
In answer to the question being considered by this committee, that is, the role of the federal government, there is a very clear one in addressing this national problem, but I wish to underscore as well that this goes well beyond any one level of government and well beyond government alone. We have, however, taken the liberty of drawing out all of the recommendations from the First Do No Harm strategy that recommend the involvement of the federal government, for your particular attention. I'd note as well that Health Canada was identified as a co-lead, alongside the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, and other parties, whether regulatory, professional, or the like. A copy of this has been handed to the clerk of the committee.
The following are the main areas in need of the federal government's involvement: preventing the harms associated with prescription drugs for individuals, families and communities; ensuring that the system can provide the affected individuals with effective and timely treatment; controlling and monitoring prescription dispensing, as well as the associated consumption, abuse and harms, at provincial, territorial and national levels.
Other aspects include ensuring that law enforcement has the tools it needs to prevent diversion and trafficking in prescription drugs and related criminal sanctions; reviewing federal and provincial and territorial legislation and regulations that govern all areas of our current prescription drug system; and finally, leading and contributing to enhanced research and knowledge exchange about the nature and extent of the prescription drug abuse problem in Canada.
On a separate but related note, I was very happy—delighted would be a better word, and perhaps even more—that the federal-provincial-territorial ministers of health recently turned their attention to this very piece of work, the First Do No Harm strategy, and committed to working in the areas of prescription monitoring programs and surveillance and prescriber education—again key recommendations that found their way into the strategy. That's to say that, along with the intentions and the actions of the federal, provincial, and territorial governments, there are many other activities already under way that are responding to the recommendations identified. We underscore that it's vital as we move forward that all of these efforts be coordinated in a strategic and comprehensive manner to avoid any duplication and to maximize the investments being made.
By the way, since the launch, eight months ago, of the strategy titled First Do No Harm: Responding to Canada's Prescription Drug Crisis, the centre has created two implementation teams whose mandate is to ensure that each of the 58 recommendations is carried out.
To put it bluntly, if I may, we are moving forward and we have a plan. We have a plan for Canada, and we have the right people at the table to realize the vision laid out in First Do No Harm and we are now working together to obtain the resources to make it happen.
Mr. Chair, while the committee should rightfully consider the role of the federal government in addressing prescription drug abuse, I would argue that the committee should also consider the role of CCSA, an agency created by an act of Parliament and responsible to Parliament, as part of that response.
To provide greater clarity to the members of the committee, I have brought copies of the relevant sections of the CCSA Act to show the purpose and scope of our intent and how that might be helpful in this regard. By definition, we have a legislated responsibility not only to have initiated the process of First Do No Harm, but also to see it through to completion.
Beyond this, it's imperative that the hard work and dedication of the great number of organizations that participated in the development of the strategy and committed to staying with it toward its implementation not be squandered. The fact that we have 58 consensus recommendations means that we have at the table—and prepared to engage in the process—all of the key organizations responsible for not only identifying the problems but also resolving them. That is more than only talk and goodwill; it's about putting real dollars, real investments, real professional practice, as well as their commitment, on the table for us, in a truly pan-Canadian approach to dealing with the issue.
Distinguished members of the committee, the strategy First Do No Harm: Responding to Canada's Prescription Drug Crisis is putting forward a strong call for action. It is proposing detailed solutions that encourage all of us to find a remedy to the problem of prescription drug abuse in Canada.
I am very happy that you'll be hearing from others who collaborated on the development of First Do No Harm, including Ada Giudice-Tompson, whose son died of an unintended drug overdose, and Dr. Susan Ulan of the Coalition on Prescription Drug Misuse, among others, who participated in First Do No Harm. I am sure you will hear a consistent message from them about what needs to happen now. Indeed, part of our role is to attenuate the noise on this issue and help you focus, as decision-makers, on the signal, and First Do No Harm is the signal.
To conclude, Mr. Chair, we urge special attention by this committee to three areas. The first is to prioritize the key functions that the federal government can engage in to address prescription drug abuse, consistent with the recommendations laid out in First Do No Harm. I would add CCSA to that as well.
The second is to underscore your committee's support for the structure and process going forward under First Do No Harm, which, again, is a true pan-Canadian strategy to address this issue.
Finally, the third is to commit to examining adequate resourcing for the strategy to move forward, including the role CCSA is expected to play in it now and in the future.
I want to thank the committee for its interest in this issue, which is of vital importance for the health and safety of Canadians.
I am very happy to take your questions at this time.
Thank you.