Certainly. The notion of awareness of the issue crosses a number of populations. The first area is around the prescribers, for them to understand the impact and the extent of this issue, and second is around the patients themselves and the general population to understand how they can be more educated around the issue of prescription drugs.
The last thing we want to do is to create a phobia: “I can't take any prescription drugs.” There is a very real purpose for prescription drugs, whether they be opiates, stimulants, or sedatives, but it is appropriate for Canadians to be informed in a proper manner and to ask the right questions as they go into these kinds of treatments and to have that discussion with either their primary care physician or the pharmacist.
A variety of specific recommendations have been identified around this issue, including an awareness campaign that could be provided nationally to provide greater attention to the issue and where we would want to go on it.
I'll let Paula colour in the details on that one.