Thanks very much.
That's three underutilized professionals here, and I appreciate your contributions, all of you.
I have a quick question for the physiotherapist. In British Columbia, we had 12 visits when I was practising. I did a lot of things with overlap, obviously. In my office, I had a lot of adjunctive therapy, lasers, microcurrent, interferential current, and so on. Twelve visit is what they allowed. For low-income people, often you can't fix them or adequately rehabilitate them in 12 visits, so I would refer them to a physiotherapist, and he'd follow up. He had the same issues I did with low-income people; he'd refer them over my way to follow up.
I just wanted to ask you to contribute. What is the coverage for physiotherapy across the country? Have you been more or less defunded, as chiropractors have across the country in order to feed the monster overall, the health budgets? Where are you at?