Of course if the public health system does it rather than the primary care physician, there is that whole connectivity.
There is not enough time for many questions that I'd like to ask.
Mr. Durafourt, you talked about loan forgiveness. I thought your comments were interesting in terms of the on-the-ground practicality of what happens. I have actually talked to some other physicians, some resident doctors. There is your practical aspect, but my question to them was whether they thought that loan forgiveness was helping to drive behaviour. That's part of the purpose of the changes we've made representing a number of rural communities, which are very desperately shy of physician services. That little carrot out there for a debt-ridden student, which I always thought sounded pretty good, is it your sense that it makes a difference for the choices that students make, or would the ones who were going to go rural, the 1,150, have gone rural anyway?