Yes, okay.
In order to address your second point, my suggestion would be again to fund research to assess the impacts of selected key health system innovations on health human resources in both urban and rural settings; to develop a national framework for guidelines and quality standards for optimal, expanded, and overlapping scopes of practice; and then to promote best practices and facilitate subsequent scale-up and sustainability of initiatives across the country.
Your third point was to understand what the federal role is in supporting skills training curriculum development. As I have already noted, there is a federal role in addressing the current legislative frameworks to support the ongoing development and implementation of umbrella health professional regulatory legislation. Second is having a standard that allows people to work to their full and optimal scopes of practice by helping to establish standards for practicums and residencies that foster interprofessional competencies. Another is to have post-licensure credentialing. The last is to work with the regulatory and accrediting bodies to require continued professional education to cultivate team thinking and develop levels of trust around relative competencies.