Sure, in the limited time available, I have a couple of points.
To pick up on the earlier discussion around SPOR, I agree fully with Sabrina when she says we have a lot to learn from one jurisdiction to another, but right now there's no clearing house.
I'm on the SPOR review panels, and there are 10 separate SPOR business plans, but there is no provision for the sharing of that information that's built into the SPOR. I say we need the super-SPOR, something that sits above the individual SPORs and the support unit executive directors. That would be one example.
A second example is, as I mentioned, what I think is a great report, “From Innovation To Action”, prepared by premiers Ghiz and Wall. The initiative stopped in July 2012 because of a lack of ongoing secretariat support.
Those would be two examples of learning what works in terms of optimal scope of practice. The Taber, Alberta, example was also given in that report. There's no reason that we can't generalize the key learnings from the Taber, Alberta, primary care network, as another example.
There's no clearing house at present. Ivy has one place where we were tracking these data, but its funding is being terminated at the end of March.