Thank you very much for the question.
As the minister noted in her remarks, the framework focuses on promotion, prevention, and protection. Those three elements together reflect the work of not just the Canadian Food Inspection Agency but our colleagues in Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, in terms of an overall focus on strengthening Canada's already excellent food safety system.
In the context of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, as we look across that framework, one particular area that I'll draw attention to is the Safe Food for Canadians Act and the work we're doing currently under the action plan to bring the legislation into force.
We've undertaken a significant consultative effort with Canadians around improvement, and a centrepiece to that is an improved food inspection system. Even though the food inspection system in Canada is strong, we recognize that there are opportunities to further strengthen that system to enhance the tools available to our front-line inspection staff, to ensure we have an integrated approach to information, to strengthen the support for our front-line staff in terms of decision-making, and to strengthen the risk basis for our system.
We're very proud of founding our decisions on science. We're building on that by introducing a strengthened focus on risk to guide the application of our inspection resources, so they have the greatest impact as we undertake our business in order to provide that protection for Canadians.