That's good, because I think one of the problems we face in a country as large as this, and with our provincial and other jurisdictions, is that we have gaps in our research and we tend to overlap in research. I think the Mental Health Commission may not be doing “traditional” research, but a lot of the programs they've put in, like At Home/Chez Soi, etc., can tell us how it impacts communities. I'm glad to hear you're working with them.
I want to ask the Public Health Agency of Canada a question. It's not an in-your-face question. It's simply that you've been collecting all this data. You and Health Canada have been looking at a whole lot of things.
At the same time, UNICEF just posted its report. You talked about coping skills and you talked about the fact that young people have a tendency to be the happiest. Actually, that's not true. The UNICEF report said that Canada ranked 24 out of 29 of the rich countries of the world in terms of happiness in their children. Canada's children are among the unhappiest in the world, and they say they cannot talk to their parents. That ranks them at 25 out of 28 in the world.
I think this is an issue. You have to have some relationship with your family, as you talked about, and we've dropped seven places in terms of that happiness index for children and children's relationships with their parents. We also have 35% of children in Canada, ranking us 21 out of 29 in the world, who are complaining about being bullied not only at school, but everywhere in the community.
I know that Rome is never changed in a day, but the bottom line is that this has been going on now for quite a while. What do you see as the barriers to being able to get what you're doing, and the data you're collecting, and the groups you're working with, to translate into actually positive outcomes for Canadian children? Your data, you said, is very difficult to come by, but are you actually working very closely? This is a place where provinces, schools, etc., should come together and start looking at this. What are your challenges to getting this done? Why are we dropping so much in terms of children's happiness and children's relationship data, and what do you think should be done about it?