Sorry, I was just going to say that I recognize that epidemiology is different and it involves comparing, but that's all we do. We compare and contrast all the time in Canada. We say, “Look, we're number one in the world.” So they're using the same thing that they can't criticize now.
The point is there were three questions that were subjectively asked of the children themselves. They were asked, “Are you happy?” and Canada ranked 24 out of 29.
I'm glad to hear that you're focused on school-based intervention, because I agree with you that this is really the most important place we can focus on.
You said that better integration of efforts is needed. I would really like to know what the barriers are to that integration of effort. Certainly as a federation, the provinces, territories, and the federal government should be able to work really closely in integrating that kind of information and not allowing this old thing of falling through the cracks to occur. What is the biggest barrier you see to this integration of effort?