Yes, we do, if the suicide is reported on the death certificate. That's the question that we look at when we are looking at the quality of our data. Are we getting good reporting that the cause of death was suicide? That's not always the case, and it's not always consistent.
The other thing we worry about is understanding attempted suicide and getting better data on those types of variables as well.
As you can imagine, in this field of mental health and understanding Canadians' mental health and the factors that influence it, there are many complications that affect the complexity of the data that we are working on now. I think that we'll see a lot of progress in this area over the next year. The Mental Health Commission has already released a framework of indicators, and from a public health perspective we are developing ours as well. These two pieces of work will come together. Our objective is that very soon we'll be able to report on the mental health of Canadians in a comprehensive way.