Thank you very much for hosting one of the #308conversations. That was very important.
With regard to the mental health action plan, we have now hosted round table discussions in all but two or three provinces and territories, and our intent is to hold them in every province and territory.
We're hearing from people as to what they think needs to go forward. We think we know, but we don't know for sure. It's been a while since we've consulted with them on the strategy. We also have an online survey. We also have a mechanism for consulting with average Canadians next month. That will give us information from people who haven't traditionally been invested in the topic, but we would like to see that.
We don't want the strategy to sit on a shelf and collect dust, as lovely a document as it is. Even though we're two years ahead of plans, I think it's really important to now look at what this means and what it would look like to have the mental health strategy. What priorities should we concentrate on now and in the long term in order to really bring the strategy to life?
We've done a bit of a provincial and territorial environmental scan to see how well it is or it isn't happening. Of course, not surprisingly, it's done differently in each of the provinces. That's not to say that one is any better or worse than the others. They're simply different.
Where should we concentrate next? I think that's in line with our work on mental health indicators, which is the first time that we've had them identified in the country. That will really put us in good stead to present to our board of directors in June the findings of the culmination of all of these discussions, the survey findings, and our citizens panel. I think that's really where we need to go during the next phase of the commission's work, along with all our stakeholders and partners.