I think we are. We have in terms of surveillance of that specific problem of suicide. It's something that is a challenge and it's a challenge throughout Canada in general. It's even more of a challenge in first nations or aboriginal communities because the mechanisms to report and track, and say that a suicide was in a first nations community, or in an aboriginal community, or that it's an Inuit person, are weak. We need to invest and do better there.
In some regions of the country, we have better data than others to track this reality. What we can do is measure the success of some of the initiatives on the ground. For example, we have youth suicide prevention programs, and the initiatives that have been run in various regions of the country that have changed the dynamic in some communities and curbed some of the problems. You were mentioning the number of suicides. We see these phenomena happening. Now there is a better resilience to respond to this reality. We have some mental crisis intervention teams that can help them cope.