Thank you for being here today.
Ms. Bradley, any discussion of mental health ends up being about suicide and also ends up being about substance abuse, addiction, and prescription drugs. There is a whole range of prescription drugs that are known to cause suicide. The acne drug, Accutane, is one of them, but most of them are antidepressants, and all the big pharma companies have at least one SSRI and SNRI.
Antidepressants are well known to cause serotonin syndrome, which is agitation, rapid heartbeat, seizures, and death, if you happen to suffer from that. They cause alcohol and drug abuse. They cause suicide. They cause bizarre acts of violence. In every school shooting that I have researched, the shooter was either on antidepressants or was withdrawing from them. These things generally do not get covered in the news. In fact, the German pilot who just crashed a jet into a mountain in Europe was taking antidepressants. He intentionally did that.
The U.S. military in Afghanistan had more suicides than soldiers who died in battle. That was also true of the British military in 2012, more soldiers dying of suicide than being killed in battle. It was the same with the Australian defence force, more suicides than soldiers dying in battle. U.S. veterans coming back from Iraq at one point were committing suicide approximately one every hour, so it was about 22 a day, and apparently, one out of four soldiers in Iraq was actually on antidepressants while in battle or they had been taken off the battlefield.
During that time, which was 2001 to 2009, the military orders for antidepressants from the drug companies went up 76%.
These are pretty stunning figures, and of course, no previous wars had any number of suicides like this. Of course, they didn't have antidepressants during the Vietnam War or World War II. However, the correlation between antidepressants and suicide is quite obvious, yet no one is talking about it and no one is doing anything about it.
Our authorities are sitting back and watching it happen. Our military doctors are dishing out these drugs and watching the soldiers go into battle on drugs that say right on the label they might make you suicidal or violent, and they cause psychotic reactions that result in suicides and murders, especially when soldiers come home. The most dangerous time is when you stop taking the antidepressants or when you increase the dose, which I guess sometimes happens when soldiers come home.
Now antidepressants are prescribed very widely in Canada. In some age groups, one out of four Canadians is on an antidepressant. We're the third-highest users in the world of antidepressants.
I want to ask you whether anyone has, to your knowledge, conducted research on the correlation between people who are on antidepressants or have been on them and are withdrawing from them and suicide.