To follow up on that, as I think we've already heard from the Canadian Cancer Society team, in addition to smoking cessation, assessing for a risk from radon and radon exposure and measures to decrease asbestos and other workplace exposures I think are very important.
You are absolutely right. There are other factors. Family history is important. I think this is the challenge for researchers. If, with your help, we can screen those at highest risk and really change the burden of this disease, the next step for us is to try to focus on those patients with family histories. Can we get a better understanding similar to what we have in breast and ovarian cancer, colon cancer, and some of these other family syndromes?
We've already learned that there are some specific gene abnormalities. For example, this EGFR gene that I mentioned can be hereditary. Once we are able to target the largest population of those at risk, I think we can then take a systematic approach at looking at these other risk factors, particularly in the never-smokers and people with no apparent risk. I think it's a huge area of research interest, and yes, family history and potentially genes are related to lung cancer risk.