Well, it makes sense when you put it like that. A lot of the patients in my practice have been diagnosed with cancer at an early stage for exactly that reason.
I like to tell a story of a lady who went shopping for a turkey for Thanksgiving, and she went to one of those big commercial freezers at the back of the store. She wanted the turkey at the bottom and she fell in and she bruised her ribs. So she went to the hospital because her ribs hurt, and she had a scan and there was a lung cancer. She's been cured because it was caught at an early stage.
It's another step to say she's fallen over and she's banged her knee but she's a smoker, so if she goes to the emergency department as well as X-raying her knee they're going to scan her lungs. I'm not sure if you'd get a lot of buy-in from emergency department physicians, for example. So while when you put it the way you did, it makes sense, I'm not sure that's really the way that clinical medicine is practised. It may fall to a GP—