Thank you, Chair.
Thank you, everyone, for your time today.
Dr. Ricard, I want to especially thank you for your courage in coming in and telling us your story today. It's extremely helpful. Thank you.
Dr. Lam, 28% of our young people in grades 7 to 12 smoke marijuana. Some of them will become regular users. At least 5% will become addicted.
We've heard on this committee that marijuana can cause psychosis and schizophrenia in young people and damage the prefrontal cortex of their brains. We know that marijuana has more known carcinogens than tobacco does, but it's very difficult to tie evidence of marijuana use to lung cancer because marijuana users also smoke tobacco. They either roll it together and smoke it at the same time or they smoke it alternately.
What role do you think the regular use of marijuana would play in causing lung cancer?